Quantum computational advantage using photons
新聞資料來源: 工商時報 - 完勝谷歌!陸製量子電腦「九章」問世
外電報導: https://equalocean.com/briefing/20201204230006093
Chinese scientists announced on the 4th that a prototype of 76 photons (qubits) has been built. In terms of speed, it only takes 200 seconds to solve the mathematical algorithm Gaussian boson sampling, while the current supercomputer takes 600 million years. It is generally believed that 50 qubits are the key threshold for quantum computers to surpass traditional computers. "Nine chapters" is named after a famous mathematical monograph in ancient China.
Light-based Quantum Computer Exceeds Fastest Classical Supercomputers
For the first time, a quantum computer made from photons—particles of light—has outperformed even the fastest classical supercomputers.
Physicists led by Chao-Yang Lu and Jian-Wei Pan of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Shanghai performed a technique called Gaussian boson sampling with their quantum computer, named Jiŭzhāng. The result, reported in the journal Science, was 76 detected photons—far above and beyond the previous record of five detected photons and the capabilities of classical supercomputers.
東森新聞: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20201204/1869173.htm
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