


演員[ 編輯]


In the 1880s, Félicie (Elle Fanning), a poor orphan girl who dreams of becoming a ballerina, but lacks formal training, runs away from her orphanage in rural Brittany with her best friend, Victor (Dane DeHaan), a young inventor. Together they go to beautiful Paris, but they soon become separated, and Victor becomes an office boy in Gustave Eiffel's workshop. Félicie finds her way to the Paris Opera, where the guard catches her trespassing. She is rescued by a mysterious cleaner with a limp, Odette (Carly Rae Jepsen), who agrees to let Félicie stay with her until she gets on her feet. Odette works for both the Opera and for the cruel and imperious Régine Le Haut (Julie Khaner), a wealthy restaurant owner. While helping Odette clean, Félicie spies Regine's daughter, Camille (Maddie Ziegler), practicing ballet. Camille sees Félicie, insults her, and throws Félicie's treasured music box out of the window, breaking it. As Félicie takes it to Victor for repair, she intercepts the postman who brings a letter from the Opera admitting Camille to the celebrated school of the Paris Opera Ballet; in her anger, she hides the letter and decides to assume Camille's identity to get into the school and pursue her dream, while also getting back at Camille.

Odette agrees to mentor Félicie, who later learns that Odette was a former prima ballerina. Félicie finds her training very difficult, but with Camille's letter of acceptance, she manages to take her place at the ballet school. Mérante (Terrence Scammell), the school's exacting choreographer, announces that one of the girls from the class will be chosen to dance the role of Clara in The Nutcracker. He dismisses the worst dancer in class each day. Félicie improves each day and narrowly avoids elimination, but a couple of days before the final elimination, her lie is discovered. Mérante decides to admit Camille into the class, while also letting Félicie stay; although Félicie's infraction was serious, Mérante knows that she is Odette's protege, and he has a soft spot for Odette. The night before the final elimination, Félicie neglects training to go out on a date with Rudi, a handsome boy from the school, which disappoints Odette. Victor, who has a crush on Félicie, sees Félicie with Rudi. Victor is jealous, and he and Félicie argue. The next day, Félicie is late to the audition and unable to perform well, and so the part of Clara goes to Camille.

Félicie returns to her orphanage, having lost her spirit. She has a dream about being an infant in the arms of her late mother, a ballerina, who gave her the music box. She decides to return to Paris to help Odette and apologize to Victor. While cleaning the stage, Félicie encounters Camille, and they engage in a dance battle that is witnessed by all the students, Odette and Mérante. Félicie does a grand jeté over a flight of stairs, while Camille cannot. Mérante approaches the two girls and asks them why they dance, to which Camille admits that she dances only because her mother tells her to, while Félicie speaks stirringly of dance as her inheritance and passion. Camille admits that Félicie should dance Clara. Near Eiffel's workshop, where the Statue of Liberty is being constructed, Félicie invites Victor to the performance. A furiously deranged Régine arrives, chases Félicie up to the crown of the statue and forces her off, but Victor saves her with aid from Camille. They arrive at the Opera just in time for Félicie to don Odette's special pointe shoes; Félicie kisses Victor on the cheek, and she performs in The Nutcracker.


1. 我很喜歡維克多的角色,他是菲莉西的死黨兼青梅竹馬....但因為太過於熟悉,菲莉西一開始只把維克多當好哥們....一起策畫逃離孤兒院,一路上可以看到維克多照顧和關心菲莉西的舉動,例如知道菲莉西想去巴黎,就籌畫了變裝和雞翅飛行器,菲莉西母親留給她的音樂盒,無論任何時刻,維克多都會想辦法幫菲莉西修復和奪回....在往自己發明家學徒的道路上,仍然利用時間請客,在巴黎鐵塔辦燭光晚餐,即使菲莉西選擇和帥氣的俄國公子約會.....生氣之餘,依然把音樂盒修好和交給菲莉西.....(我覺得當一個男孩子,你可以因為受到忽略而生氣,但是還是要大氣)......最後緊要關頭救了菲莉西順利趕上最大的表演舞台...菲莉西在經歷過這麼多事之後,終於發現自己身邊的楞小子,和她一樣一直在努力,有才華,且一直在身邊照顧她,終於知道她該選擇的對象.....(呵呵,我想起射鵰英雄傳的黃蓉和郭敬)

2. 這部片子每個配角都有其個性,但也都展現了人性善良助人的一面,最後都變成菲莉西的貴人,例如:一開始的舍監,本來嚴格阻止菲莉西逃離孤兒院,但是最後菲莉西因為一時情迷的選擇導致緊要關頭選角的失敗,被遣送回孤兒院時,舍監們發現菲莉西失去了元氣,無精打采和無意中看到菲莉西練習芭蕾的天分,因此最後反而護送她重回巴黎;第二個貴人則是菲莉西到巴黎芭蕾舞蹈劇院時,遇到給她住宿和工作的前芭蕾首席舞者的清潔工奧黛,後來亦師亦友也如同母親的教導訓練芭蕾基本功,提醒她選角前應該要練習和休息,並點出她的優點是熱情和其對手體能和技巧的差異.....第三個貴人則是大編舞家,因為本身也是專業人士,所以原本對於完全沒有基礎的菲莉西沒好感,但逐漸的發現菲莉西是塊璞玉,雖然是個素人,但擁有良好的天分,律動,活潑和熱情....後來逐漸的看重菲莉西......第四個貴人則是其競爭對手卡蜜兒,因為卡蜜兒破壞了母親給她的音樂盒,為了報復和爭取機會才會冒用其身分爭取進入舞團的機會,最後又因選角失敗的刺激,激勵菲莉西知道甚麼對她才是重要的,激發出潛力最後獲得卡蜜兒的祝福登上大舞台,所以有一個強勁可敬的對手,是砥礪自己向前的原動力

3. 這部片強調的一個重點,就是對事物和專業的熱情和自己的特色,比體格和學習的技巧要來的重要,因為熱情和投入感情,人們才會感動,你的喜悅,憤怒,高興,悲傷,要能夠融入到你投入的事物中,就會產生自己的獨特風格,而不是千篇一律的教科書所訓練的標準動作來的感人......人要有特色,因此看到菲莉西的熱情,直接,常常道歉,會迷惑,也會努力,直接展示最真的自己\,我也超有感覺的......


PS. 也敬那些勇敢逐夢的真女孩


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